Home - Mateusz Dziemian

I’m an incoming PhD student at Queen Mary Univserity of London in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. I’m supervised by Dr. Julia Ive and Prof. Maria Liakata. My PhD will revolve around anonymisation using foundation models, which will consist of topics such as alignment, mechanistic interpretability, red teaming and other similar topics.


I hold a BEng in Electronic & Electrical Engineering from University College London (UCL), where I wrote a dissertation on “Spatio-Temporal models for fall detection”. After University I worked as a Research Engineer at Visio Impulse for a bit over a year, where I worked on applied ML across vision and NLP. Then I joined PONS.ai as an AI Engineer where I worked in generative vision and I still work there. I also had 2 internship stints at R42 Group

Outside of work I train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in which I hold a purple belt from 10th planet London. I also like contributing to open source projects, which you can find on my Hugging face profile and hopefully soon on a computer vision course on Hugging Face which I helped out with.